
Can Conserves and Consumption Be Friends???




This morning I was looking at the last of the wondrously sweet and tasty strawberries

we bought in San Diego last weekend...

Lamenting the fact that they were all just a tad on the over-ripe side...

when it occurred to me to make a sugar-free conserve/jam...

for the refrigerator.


I washed and sliced the strawberries directly into a saucepan....

added a squirt of lemon juice; a teaspoon of Splenda; and a teaspoon of

Xylitol (a natural sweetener from the natural foods store, but you don't need it for this recipe) ...

and about a cup of water...

brought them to a low boil and then decided to add...

...a cup of fresh/frozen cranberries along with teaspoon or two of

0range zest (and I squeezed a bit of the juice into it as well).

I cooked them at a high simmer for about ten minutes...

keeping a sharp eye on it while I brewed a nice pot of tea.

Once the cranberries popped (see photo above) I turned off the heat...

...and poured them into this French jam jar/glass and allowed them to cool.

I cut a double round of waxed paper and tied it atop the jar...

...and stored it in the refrigerator.

It tastes deliciously tart and surprisingly sweet!!

I'll use it to flavor plain yogurt and/or cottage cheese or use it as a topping for toast,
in lieu of jelly or jam.