
Broken Stemware... Onions... and... Bell Jars.

A Simple... Green... Way to Grow Windowsill Chives.

You might want to think twice before discarding those sprouted onions...

...and pretty pieces of broken stemware.

I save the sprouted onions and snip their green stems (i.e., chives) to use in recipes

such as soups & salads or as a garnish.

A spritz or two of water is all we need to keep them green.

We nestled the onion bulb (on the right) inside a wineglass with a broken stem...

then added a bit of moss (for looks :).

The onion bulb on the right... we set it inside a small iron garden urn!

Oh...notice...yet another way to use the broken wine glass is...

to turn it into a bell jar (as we did in the photo above, on the right).

Frugality...Function...Charm & Whimsy...

all rolled into one little project.
