
Real Food Is Soul Food | Food Renegade

One of my favorite reads is The Real Food blog, written by The Food Renegade.

Several weeks ago it posted a fantastic article about the Soul of Real Food.

Here is a short excerpt:

"Real Food is old and traditional. It’s sustainably grown, organic, and local. And it nourishes the soul as well as the body.

That’s because finding, cooking, and eating Real Food is a craft. I once heard that cooking was the only art form that uses all five senses. It engages the whole person, and as such rewards the whole person. Preparing Real Food isn’t just about good nutrition or ethics. It’s about becoming the people we are meant to be, becoming more fully human..."

Read the entire article (and, believe me, it's worth the short amount of time) by clicking the link below:

Real Food Is Soul Food | Food Renegade